2009年11月28日 星期六


Be Thankful as Double Cash returns!

I’m sure you could have guessed, but we’re doing something special for Thanksgiving weekend! Of course, those of you outside of the United States may not celebrate Thanksgiving or may celebrate it on a different weekend – but that doesn’t matter, everyone is welcome!
我相信你能猜到,但我們正在做一些特別的感恩節週末!當然美國以外可能不慶祝感恩節或者慶祝它也可能在不同的週末 - 但這不要緊,歡迎大家!

When you join a competitive Multiplayer match on Thanksgiving weekend, you’ll be greeted with a slightly different look to our Heroes and Villians. It looks like Drake and Lazarevic had a few too many helpings of turkey (or Tofurkey), green bean casserole and, most definitely, sweet potato casserole.

We also flipped a few switches and bits here and there and not only is Double Cash weekend back, but you’ll be getting 2x the cash from any and all medals you are awarded during the course of a competitive or cooperative match. The per-match limits of $50,000 are still in effect, so if you’re just that good, you’ll be maxing out just about all the time.
我們還翻新少數路由器和位元數這裡和那裡,不僅是雙倍現金週末回來,但您將獲得 2倍的現金,從任何和所有被授予獎牌,你在這一過程中,競爭或合作的比賽。每場 5萬元的限制仍然有效,所以如果你真這麼厲害,你會騰出出幾乎所有的時間。

Oh, and don’t forget to check out the brand new multiplayer map “The Fort” or check up on where you stand on the in-game Leaderboards!

Double Cash Weekend starts promptly on November 27, 2009 at 10:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?) and ends on November 30, 2009 at 11:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?)
雙倍現金週末開始迅速在09年11月27日在上午10時 00秒(什麼時候是在我的城市?)和結束於 2009年11月30號太平洋標準時間上午11:00(什麼時候是在我的城市?)(台灣時間11/28(六) AM 0200 ~ 11/1(二) AM0300)

For those of you in the U.S. or celebrating abroad – Happy Thanksgiving! If you’re not celebrating Thanksgiving, have a great weekend and enjoy this edition of Double Cash weekend.
對於那些你在美國或國外的慶祝 - 感恩節快樂!如果你不慶祝感恩節,有一個偉大的週末,享受這個雙倍現金的週末。


Naughty Dog


